All equestrians know that tack is not inexpensive. So it's important to keep up with the care in order to get the most use out of it as possible. Lexol® Conditioner helps to prolong the life of your leather and protect your tack investment. This fantastic formula both softens leather and helps prevent cracking!
Don't forget Lexol® Leather Conditioner is also great for other smooth leather including auto upholstery, shoes, and furniture!
- Softens Leather
- Prevents Cracking
- Expands the life time of your tack
- Great for use on many forms of smooth leathers!
All equestrians know that tack is not inexpensive. So it's important to keep up with the care in order to get the most use out of it as possible. Lexol® Conditioner helps to prolong the life of your leather and protect your tack investment. This fantastic formula both softens leather and helps prevent cracking!
Don't forget Lexol® Leather Conditioner is also great for other smooth leather including auto upholstery, shoes, and furniture!
- Softens Leather
- Prevents Cracking
- Expands the life time of your tack
- Great for use on many forms of smooth leathers!