The secret to crispy and crunchy pickles is in Mrs. Wages® Alum! If you’re like us and hates mushy pickles, then our food-grade alum is a must have in your kitchen. This alum mix is perfect for all your pickling and canning needs and helps you to create crisp and crunchy pickles or pickled fruits and vegetables. Food preservation has never been easier – enjoy extra crispiness all the time with Mrs. Wages® Alum!
The secret to crispy and crunchy pickles is in Mrs. Wages® Alum! If you’re like us and hates mushy pickles, then our food-grade alum is a must have in your kitchen. This alum mix is perfect for all your pickling and canning needs and helps you to create crisp and crunchy pickles or pickled fruits and vegetables. Food preservation has never been easier – enjoy extra crispiness all the time with Mrs. Wages® Alum!