Catt Plex isn't just a cattail killer. This concentrated aquatic herbicide kills cattails, water lilies, and other shore/emerged aquatic weeds while still being safe for fish. Catt Plex is a contact herbicide that should be applied by spray application. This glyphosate based herbicide kills emerged pond weeds to the root. It can also be an effective turf solution for controlling over 1000 troublesome grasses and broadleaf weeds.
Catt Plex isn't just a cattail killer. This concentrated aquatic herbicide kills cattails, water lilies, and other shore/emerged aquatic weeds while still being safe for fish. Catt Plex is a contact herbicide that should be applied by spray application. This glyphosate based herbicide kills emerged pond weeds to the root. It can also be an effective turf solution for controlling over 1000 troublesome grasses and broadleaf weeds.