These come in an a variety of colors so we cannot guarantee which color leg bands you'll get.
You know your flock, but a little color coordinating goes a long way. Use one or more Spiral Leg Bands to mark the age, bloodline, or broodiness of your chickens. Perfect for poultry shows, fairs, exhibitions, or simply around the yard.
- No tools required
- Easy to apply
- Fits most chickens
- Each pack of 24 leg bands comes in 3 different color combinations
- Made in the USA
- Size 9 Fits: Ameraucana, Ancona, Bantam Cochin, Cubalaya, Fayoumi, Faverolle, Hamburg, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Mille Fleur, Polish, Silkie.
- Size 11 Fits: Barred Plymouth Rock, Barnevelder, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delaware, Dominique, Faverolle, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Iland Red, Speckled Sussex , Silver & Golden Laced Wyandotte, Welsummer.
These come in an a variety of colors so we cannot guarantee which color leg bands you'll get.
You know your flock, but a little color coordinating goes a long way. Use one or more Spiral Leg Bands to mark the age, bloodline, or broodiness of your chickens. Perfect for poultry shows, fairs, exhibitions, or simply around the yard.
- No tools required
- Easy to apply
- Fits most chickens
- Each pack of 24 leg bands comes in 3 different color combinations
- Made in the USA
- Size 9 Fits: Ameraucana, Ancona, Bantam Cochin, Cubalaya, Fayoumi, Faverolle, Hamburg, Lakenvelder, Leghorn, Mille Fleur, Polish, Silkie.
- Size 11 Fits: Barred Plymouth Rock, Barnevelder, Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, Delaware, Dominique, Faverolle, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Iland Red, Speckled Sussex , Silver & Golden Laced Wyandotte, Welsummer.